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- Process and Measuring System for Data Acquisition and Processing in Soft-Tomography Studies, K Borbás, T Kiss, M Klincsik, Z Kvasznicza, K Máthé, C Vér, Z Vizvári, …, P. Odry, US Patent App. 16/062,319, https://patents.google.com/patent/US10699446B2/en
- Measurement system with real time data converter for conversion of I2S data stream to UDP protocol data, Z Vizvari, A Toth, Z Sari, M Klincsik, B Kuljic, T Szakall, A Odry, K Mathe, …, P. Odry, Heliyon 6 (4), e03760, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2405844020306058
Supplementary materials:
The description for the supplementary online material is given as follows.
BIS_err_40points.m: this MATLAB script shows the error analysis of ultra-low frecral BIS phantom measurements for 40-point spectrum
BIS_err_80points.m: this MATLAB script shows the error analysis of ultra-low frecral BIS phantom measurements for 80-point spectrum
BIS_err_264points.m: this MATLAB script shows the error analysis of ultra-low frecral BIS phantom measurements for 264-point spectrum
Meas_data: this folder contains both the measurements for 40, 80 and 264-point spectrums (xx_points folders) and the extracted Cole-Cole parameters (xx_points_CCdata.csv files)