Location: Institute of Informatics (I104)
Address: University of Dunaújváros, 2400 Dunaújváros, Táncsics Mihály str. 1/a, Hungary
Contacts: odrya (at) uniduna.hu, +36 25 551-648 (tel), +36 25 551-679 (fax)
Ákos Odry is an assistant lecturer in the Department of Control Engineering and Information Technology, University of Dunaújváros, Hungary. He received his BSc and MSc degrees in electrical engineering from Budapest University of Technology and Economics in 2012 and 2015, respectively. He obtained the PhD degree from the Doctoral School of Applied Informatics and Applied Mathematics, Óbuda University in 2020. His research interests include nonlinear control systems, robotics, engineering education, sensor fusion, soft computing and adaptive control methods.
- Wheeled mobile robots
- MARG-based systems
- Control laboratory
- Bio-impedance spectral measurements
- Industrial robotics
Repository for publications
- 10 February 2021: Download manuscript “A Stochastic Logic-Based Fuzzy Logic Controller: First Experimental Results of a Novel Architecture”
- 4 February 2021: Download manuscript “An Open-Source Test Environment for Effective Development of MARG-Based Algorithms”
- 1 February 2021: Download manuscript “Painting Path Planning for a Painting Robot with a RealSense Depth Sensor”
- 14 August 2020: Download manuscript “Physical Validation of a Residual Impedance Rejection Method during Ultra-Low Frequency Bio-Impedance Spectral Measurements”
- 30 April 2020: Download manuscript “Fuzzified Circular Gabor Filter for Circular and Near-Circular Object Detection”
- 29 January 2020: Download manuscript “A Novel Fuzzy-Adaptive Extended Kalman Filter for Real-Time Attitude Estimation of Mobile Robots”